
How to generate a random number within a specific range with JavaScript

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In JavaScript, thanks to the Math.random() function, we can generate a random number within a range of decimal values between 0 and 1, including 0 and excluding 1.

// 0.45488628323782243

Generate a random number higher than 1 with js

Imagine the situation where you need to generate a random number below 100, to do this we must multiply the result of Math.random() by the number by which it must be below, in this case, 100.

Math.random() * 100;

As you can see, it still returns a decimal value. If you need an integer, we can round it down with the Math.floor() function.

Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

Generate a random number within a range of two numbers min - max

We've reached the important part of this post, we need a minimum and a maximum value to write a function that returns a random value within a specified range.

"Equation" to solve this with javascript

  1. The first thing will be to create a function that must receive a minimum and a maximum value (min, max)
  2. We must generate a random number with Math.random()
  3. The generated number must be multiplied by the result of subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value
  4. To the result of the previous step, we add the value of the min parameter 5 Finally, we wrap the previous steps within the Math.floor() function to return an integer

Here you have the function randomNumberInRange expressed in JavaScript code for you to use in your project:

const randomNumberInRange = (min, max) =>
Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
// randomNumberInRange(80,900) 583
Juneiker Castillo freelance web developer

I am Juneiker Castillo, a passionate front-end web developer deeply in love with programming and creating fast, scalable, and modern websites—a JavaScript enthusiast and a React.js lover ⚛️.

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