
Calculate how many days there are between two dates using JavaScript

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Do you need to calculate how many days there are between two specific dates using JavaScript? In this post, I'll show you how you can do it in just a few lines of code.

Step by Step

We declare two variables with the dates from which we want to obtain the difference in days.

let date1 = new Date("01/01/2022");
let date2 = new Date("12/24/2022");

We obtain the number of milliseconds between the two dates using the .getTime method of the Date() object, subtracting the milliseconds of date 1 from those of date 2.

let difference = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime();

Finally, we obtain the difference between the two numbers and divide it by the milliseconds contained in a day.

let daysDifference = difference / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
console.log(daysDifference); // result: 357
Juneiker Castillo freelance web developer

I am Juneiker Castillo, a passionate front-end web developer deeply in love with programming and creating fast, scalable, and modern websites—a JavaScript enthusiast and a React.js lover ⚛️.

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